Routing with Cofree Comonad

Marcin Szamotulski, PhD

github: @coot
twitter: @me_coot

Routing with Cofree Comonad
  • comonads
  • cofree comonad
  • react router (v3)
  • cofree react router
  • isomorphic react app example


Are useful for tracking state in a possibly infinite loop

Often comonads are explored through a pairing with a monad (Cofree pairs with Free, Store pairs with State, ...)

Comonad - definition

-- | Associativity: `extend f <<< extend g = extend (f <<< extend g)`
class Functor w <= Extend w where
  extend :: forall b a. (w a -> b) -> w a -> w b
-- | Forwards co-Kleisli composition.
  :: forall b a w c
   . Extend w
  => (w a -> b)
  -> (w b -> c)
  -> w a -> c
composeCoKleisli f g w = g (f <<= w)

-- | Duplicate a comonadic context.
  :: forall a w
   . Extend w
  => w a -> w (w a)
duplicate = extend id
-- | Left Identity: `extract <<= xs = xs`
-- | Right Identity: `extract (f <<= xs) = f xs`
class Extend w <= Comonad w where
  extract :: forall a. w a -> a

Stream Comonad

data Stream a = Cons a (Lazy (Stream a))

derive instance functorStream :: Functor Stream

instance extendStream :: Extend Stream where
  extend f s@(Cons a r) = Cons (f s) (extend f <$> r)

instance comonadStream :: Comonad Stream where
  extract (Cons a _) = a

smooth :: Int -> Stream Number -> Stream Number
smooth n s = extend (avN n) s
    sumN :: Int -> Stream Number -> Number
    sumN 0 _ = 0.0
    sumN n (Cons a r) = a + (sumN (n - 1) (force r))

    avN :: Int -> Stream Number -> Number
    avN n s = (sumN n s) / (toNumber n)

Cofree comonad

Given a functor `f` we can build a cofree comonad

data Cofree f a = Cofree a (Lazy (f (Cofree f a)))

mkCofree :: forall f a. a -> f (Cofree f a) -> Cofree f a
mkCofree a t = Cofree a (defer \_ -> t)

infixr 5 mkCofree as :<

-- | Returns the label for a tree.
head :: forall f a. Cofree f a -> a
head (Cofree h _) = h

instance functorCofree :: Functor f => Functor (Cofree f) where
  map f = loop where
    loop fa@(Cofree head _tail)
      = Cofree (f head) ((map loop) <$> _tail)

instance extendCofree :: Functor f => Extend (Cofree f) where
  extend f = loop
    loop fa@(Cofree _ _tail)
      = Cofree (f fa) ((map loop) <$> _tail)

instance comonadCofree :: Functor f => Comonad (Cofree f) where
  extract = head

React Router

<Router history={browserHistory}>
  <Route path="/" component={Main}>
    <Route path="/home" component={Home}>
      <Route path="/user/:userId" component={User} />
      <Route path="/book/:bookId" component={Book} />
    <Route path="/settings" component={Settings} />
Every `Route` can have arbitrary many children routes. This looks like

  type Router route = Cofree Array route
Note that `Cofree Array` could be used to model DOM (or vDOM).

Cofree Router - Types

type RouteClass props arg
  =  (RoutePropsClass props)
  => ReactClass (props arg)

data Route props arg
  = Route String (Routing.Match arg) (RouteClass props arg)

data IndexRoute props arg
  = IndexRoute String (RouteClass props arg)

type Router props arg
  =  (RoutePropsClass props)
  => Cofree Array
      (Tuple (Route props arg) (Maybe (IndexRoute props arg)))

  :: forall props arg
   . (RoutePropsClass props)
  => Route props arg
  -> Array (Router props args)
  -> Router props arg
withoutIndex r rs = Tuple r Nothing :< rs

-- | `:+` lets define routes without index route
infixr 6 withoutIndex as :+

Developer Interface

Let's rewrite the routing example:

router =
  Route "main" (lit "") Main :+
    [ Route "home" (unit <$ lit "home") Home :+
      [ Route "user" ({userId: _} <$> (lit "user" *> int)) User :+ []
      , Route "book" ({bookId: _} <$> (lit "book" *> int)) Book :+ []
    , Route "settings" (unit <$ lit "settings") Settings :+ []

Some internals

  :: forall props args
   . (RoutePropsClass props)
  => R.Route
  -> Router props args
  -> Maybe (Cofree Array
	      { url :: R.Route
	      , props :: props args
	      , route :: Route props args
	      , indexRoute :: Maybe (IndexRoute props args) })
matchRouter url_ router = shake $ go [] url_ router
    query = foldMap toMap url_

    toMap (R.Query q) = q

      :: Array args
      -> R.Route
      -> Cofree Array (Tuple (Route props args) (Maybe (IndexRoute props args)))
      -> Cofree Array (Maybe
	    { url :: R.Route
	    , props :: props args
	    , route :: Route props args
	    , indexRoute :: Maybe (IndexRoute props args) })
    go argsArr url' r =
      case head r of
        Tuple route indexRoute ->
          case view urlLens route of
            Match mFn ->
              case unV Left Right (mFn url') of
                Right (Tuple url arg) ->
                  let props = case route of
                                Route idRoute _ _ -> mkProps idRoute arg (A.snoc argsArr arg) query
                  in Just {url, props, route, indexRoute} :< map (go (A.snoc argsArr arg) url) (tail r)
                Left err -> Nothing :< []

Hmm... but why not use extend

  :: forall w m a b
   . Extend w
  => Traversable w
  => Applicative m
  => (w a -> m b)
  -> w a
  -> m (w b)
extendM f wa = sequence $ extend f wa

where we could track the state in the `State` monad

It does not work, because we need to change the state (args matched so far, and the url) only when we go one level deeper in the cofree comonad, and not when iterating through the tail.

Run router

  :: forall props args
   . (RoutePropsClass props)
  -- url:
  => String
  -- router:
  -> Cofree Array
      (Tuple (Route props args) (Maybe (IndexRoute props args)))
  -- react element to be mounted:
  -> Maybe ReactElement
runRouter urlStr router =
    createRouteElement <$> matchRouter (parse decodeURIComponent urlStr) router
    -- ...

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